A Fresh Face for 2025

Announcing the Teacher Prompts redesign

Here at Teacher Prompts HQ we felt it was high time we gave the newsletter a fresh look. We also thought we could communicate more clearly what we’re offering subscribers. So we put on our thinking caps and opened up our design tools.

First we set about creating a vibrant and engaging colour palette and logo.

The resulting new branding now runs throughout the newsletter and our website. We hope you like it.

The new Teacher Prompts logo

We also addressed the communication issue with a snappy new strapline that succinctly captures what we’re offering subscribers:

The weekly AI briefing for teachers

All the above come together in our new newsletter header, which you’ll have seen today for the first time.

Finally, when you share a link to a page on the Teacher Prompts website, it’ll now be accompanied by an image featuring our new branding.

The new newsletter header

We’ve got a few more Teacher Prompts developments in the pipeline, so stay tuned for further news!


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