🔍 Fact-Checking AI

Good afternoon human,

This week is a precious half term for me, so it’s just a short update from me this week!

📚 Knowledge builders

  • CSAM The UK government has rightly announced that it will be illegal to use AI tools to generate child sex abuse material and share knowledge of how to create such imagery. It is important for schools to be aware of this and to communicate it to pupils, ensuring they understand the legal and ethical consequences.

  • AI and Phonics In this blog post, Ann Sullivan, a specialist at teaching pupils with SEND phonics, outlines how she uses AI to implement a technique called ‘picture mapping’ to assess if and what pupils are reading in their thinking voice.

🤖 Industry updates

  • AI vs the BBC  A BBC study has found that AI assistants frequently produce inaccurate or misleading responses when answering news-related questions, with 51% of responses containing significant issues and 19% misrepresenting BBC content. The BBC is calling for greater transparency and oversight in how AI processes news, urging AI companies and media organisations to collaborate to ensure accuracy and maintain public trust.

  • Anthropic Economic Index  The team behind Claude is seeking to understand AI’s impact on labour markets and the economy over time. To achieve this, they have introduced the Anthropic Economic Index, which analyses the types of prompts and requests Claude receives. According to their findings, education-related queries were the third most common sector.

The Anthropic Economic Index related to education

Fresh prompts

  1. Dinner ideas → A bit of a fun one this half term. Sometimes my partner and I have no idea what to eat so we ask an LLM for some advice. There is lots of ways to customise this: by cuisine, by calorie amount, by protein, by skill in the kitchen and even by equipment or occasion. You could even take a picture of what’s in the fridge and ask AI for some ideas. Here is the prompt I used:

My parents are coming over for dinner, and we need meal ideas that are intermediate to hard in difficulty. We are in the UK, so please suggest dishes that use ingredients commonly available here. Provide a mix of options from UK classics to Mediterranean means. The dishes should be meat-based meals. Include a brief description of each dish. When we have decided on the meal, ask us if we would like a recipe and in-depth cooking instructions.

Here is the output.

Thanks for reading. If these ideas hit home, why not share them with your professional network?

PS: I am thinking about a possible segment called ‘FaiL’ that looks at times where using AI has failed in its task that it has been asked to complete. Complete the poll, or let me know in the comments on the web version.

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Until next time, keep on prompting.

Mr A 🦾


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