Gallery Curator

Happy Easter!

Hey human, this is the first newsletter of the month, and we are not stopping for Easter. Grab a cup of tea and catch up with some of the latests tips, tricks, prompts and news.

Knowledge builders 📚

  • Humane and AI Pin A company who want more wearable, but less screen AI tools into people’s hands. The AI pin is an example of such a device that seeks to provide all the power of LLMs without the need for being distracted by screens, by interacting with objects in the real world and your voice.

Industry updates 🤖

  • Open AI Shares Voice Engine → An AI tool that uses snippets of people’s voices to generate audio that sounds like those people. The examples on the blog are interesting and educators will be interested in the ‘providing reading assistance’ section. Other applications could be significant individuals submitting samples of their voices to enable pupils to conduct ‘real’ interviews with these people. the dangers of such technology are clearly fraught, so Open AI are, quite rightly going slowly on this one.

  • AI Safety Agreement: The UK and US will work together to evaluate the safety of AI tools and the underlying technology.

Tools 🛠️

  1. Podcast Transcriptions - Early February I mentioned that AI generated podcast transcriptions were coming to the Podcast app for Apple users, and they are now live.

    1. 🎙️Go to your podcast episode of choice* and start playing.

    2. 🗯️ Press the inverted speech marks in the speech box.

    3. 🫵Scroll up on the screen so the transcriptions become smaller.

    4. 🔎Reveal the search tool across the bottom and type a phrase that you heard.

    5. 🫵Click that section and it will start playing from there.

    6. 📹 Video of it in action.

Zooming in 🔬 

📑 The Future of AI in Education: 13 things we can do to minimize the damage - Arran Hamilton, Dylan Wiliam and John Hattie have released a paper on whether education should ‘stick or twist’ on the use of AI. They provide 13 recommendation about how AI could be regulated in the future. My favourite section talks about Experts vs Novices in the world of AI, where this diagram is offered.

Experts vs Novices in the World of AI

This mimics our own interpretation of how teachers can get the most out of using AI tools.

TeacherPrompt Model of where AI fits within education.

Fresh prompts ✨

  1. Gallery Curation → This prompt turns an LLM into a gallery curator for a specific need e.g. certain event, person, period or style. Great for building up knowledge in Art or understanding how significant events have been interpreted across generations. All details here are editable. Use in Copilot.

You are a gallery curator tasks with create an art gallery showcasing 5 famous artworks of the Resurrection. You will use your knowledge base to select 5 of the most culturally significant artworks, thinking carefully about the reason for inclusion. Then you will provide the following detail in a table. <name of artist> <name of painting> <date the painting was complete> <artistic style of the painting <where the painting can be viewed>.

Here is an example of the output. From here, the teacher could then find high-quality images of the paining, something the LLM found difficult.

‘Till next week.

Keep on prompting!

Mr A 🦾


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