Welcome, Aila

Greeting and salutations human,

Let’s get right into it with some interesting updates for Educators from the past week.

📚 Knowledge builders

  • CENTURY TECH Update → Katie Finlayson provided a short update on her experience of supporting her child using CENTURY TECH. This appears to be the tech being used in Operation Saberwing.

  •  26.08%  Using Chat GPT3.5 (an outdated AI model), a randomised-control trial found that software engineers were able to complete over a quarter more tasks using the AI model than without it.

🤖 Industry updates

  • Aila is here Aila is Oak National’s response to Generative AI and helping tackle teacher workload. It takes on a more ‘open’ approach compared to Oaks’ previous efforts as teachers can now be more specific with their prompts. Expect a deeper look into Aila Soon

  •  Apple Intelligence  Apple Intelligence comes to the UK in December. That means those with a compatible device that can run it, can make use of free generative AI writing tools to help draft emails on the go, and they can create their own images using Image Playground.

✨ Fresh prompts

  1. The World in Data → This handy prompt will put any data that you ask for in a nifty table and credit the sources it has used to find that data so you can double check its accuracy. You can be as specific as you want and can include additional table columns.

"I am an educator looking for data about how land is used in [Insert Specific Region] based on information from Our World in Data or Government data sets. Please provide a table summarising the major categories of land use, such as agriculture, forests, urban areas, etc., along with the percentage or area each category occupies. Ensure the source of the data is credited and provide a link to the original source. Make sure you double-check the sources.

Here is an example of the output after the prompt above was added:

Use in ChatGPT.

As ever, thanks for reading and keep on prompting! Mr A 🦾